Saturday, August 12, 2006

Feedback is the breakfast of champions

If a client doesn't give me any feedback - I don't know what they think. That's my attitude but it's not a very common perception.

I've long valued receiving feedback, be it positive or negative. I work on the principle that until and unless a client says positive things about me or my service, that they may not be happy. So receiving positive testimonials is a real boost.

My research tells me that most people are not delighted with the service they get from their accountant.

If that sounds like you I'll let you into another secret:
If you haven't said anything I'll bet your accountant assumes they are doing a good job. Not an okay job but a good job. Possibly even a great job, especially if you've passed on his/her details to a friend. You may have said something like: "my accountant's alright, nothing special but not too pricey." Getting a referral will have convinced your accountant that he/she is doing a great job and that everything is going well. That's right. Your accountant thinks that everything is fine if clients are not complaining.

My own approach has always been to take the contrary view. If a client tells me that he/she is very pleased then I know I've done a good job. If clients aren't saying anything there could be a problem. Most accountants however will assume that all is fine unless you tell them that it isn't.

If your attitude is the same as the majority of people who think their accountant is just 'ok', tell your accountant. Help them to raise their game and to give you a better service. You're paying them; you're entitled to it.


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